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Export from GitHub to PostgreSQL

CloudQuery is an open-source data integration platform that allows you to export data from any source to any destination.

The CloudQuery GitHub plugin allows you to sync data from GitHub to any destination, including PostgreSQL. It takes only minutes to get started.



The CloudQuery GitHub plugin extracts your GitHub API and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination


Latest version




Date Published

Apr 9, 2024



This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to a PostgreSQL compatible database.


Latest version




Date Published

Apr 9, 2024

MacOS Setup

Step 1. Install CloudQuery

brew install cloudquery/tap/cloudquery

Step 2. Configure GitHub source plugin

You can find more information about the configuration in the plugin documentation

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: github
  path: cloudquery/github
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v9.2.1"
  tables: ["github_issues"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    access_token: "${GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" # Personal Access Token, required if not using App Authentication.
    # # App Authentication (one per org):
    # app_auth:
    # - org: cloudquery
    #   private_key: <PRIVATE_KEY> # Private key as a string
    #   private_key_path: <PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY> # Path to private key file
    #   app_id: <YOUR_APP_ID> # App ID, required for App Authentication.
    #   installation_id: <ORG_INSTALLATION_ID> # Installation ID for this org
    # # List of organizations to sync from. You must specify either orgs or repos in the configuration.
    # orgs: []
    # # List of repositories to sync from. The format is `owner/repo` (e.g. `cloudquery/cloudquery`). You must specify either `orgs` or `repos` in the configuration.
    # repos: ["cloudquery/cloudquery"]
    # # GitHub Enterprise
    # # In order to enable GHE you have to provide two urls, the base url of the server and the upload url.
    # # Quote from GitHub's client:
    # #   If the base URL does not have the suffix "/api/v3/", it will be added automatically. If the upload URL does not have the suffix "/api/uploads", it will be added automatically.
    # #   Another important thing is that by default, the GitHub Enterprise URL format should be http(s)://[hostname]/api/v3/ or you will always receive the 406 status code. The upload URL format should be http(s)://[hostname]/api/uploads/"
    # # If you are not configuring against an enterprise server please omit the enterprise configuration bellow
    # enterprise:
    #     base_url: "http(s)://[your-ghe-hostname]/api/v3/"
    #     upload_url: "http(s)://[your-ghe-hostname]/api/uploads/"
    # # Optional parameters
    # concurrency: 1500 # Optional. The best effort maximum number of Go routines to use. Lower this number to reduce memory usage or to avoid hitting GitHub API rate limits. Default 1500.
    # discovery_concurrency: 1 # Optional. Number of concurrent requests to GitHub API during discovery phase. Default 1.
    # include_archived_repos: false # Optional. Include archived repositories in the sync. Default false.
    # local_cache_path: "" # Optional. Path to a local directory that will hold the cache. If set, the plugin will cache the GitHub API responses in this directory. Defaults to an empty string (no cache).

Step 3. Configure PostgreSQL destination plugin

You can find more information about the configuration in the plugin documentation

kind: destination
  name: "postgresql"
  path: "cloudquery/postgresql"
  registry: "cloudquery"
  version: "v8.0.3"

    connection_string: "${POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION_STRING}" # set the environment variable in a format like postgres://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
    # you can also specify it in DSN format, which can hold special characters in the password field:
    # connection_string: "user=postgres password=pass+0-[word host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres"
    # Optional parameters:
    # pgx_log_level: error
    # batch_size: 10000 # 10K entries
    # batch_size_bytes: 100000000 # 100 MB
    # batch_timeout: 60s

Step 4. Run Sync

cloudquery sync github.yml postgresql.yml
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