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The CloudQuery OracleDB plugin syncs your OracleDB database to any of the supported CloudQuery destinations



Latest version




Date Published

Price per 1M rows

Starting from $15

monthly free quota

10M rows

Set up process

brew install cloudquery/tap/cloudquery
1. Download CLI and login
See installation options
2. Create source and destination configsPlugin configuration

cloudquery sync oracledb.yml postgresql.yml
3. Run the syncCloudQuery sync


The CloudQuery OracleDB plugin syncs your OracleDB database to any of the supported CloudQuery destinations (e.g. PostgreSQL, BigQuery, Snowflake, and more).

Example Configuration

kind: source
  name: oracledb
  path: cloudquery/oracledb
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v4.2.12"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    # Connection string to connect to the database in the format oracle://user:password@server:port/service_name.
    # To use the default 1521 port, you can omit it from the connection string, but still need to keep the :, for example oracle://user:password@server:/service_name.
    connection_string: "${ORACLE_DB_CONNECTION_STRING}"

Configuration Reference

This is the (nested) spec used by the OracleDB destination plugin.
  • connection_string (string) (required)
    Connection string to connect to the database in the format oracle://<user<>:<password>@<server>:<port>/<service_name>. To use the default 1521 port, you can omit it from the connection string, but still need to keep the :, for example oracle://<user<>:<password>@<server>:/<service_name>. See the Go driver documentation for more details.
  • queries (list of queries Spec) (optional)
    (Preview feature) List of queries to run instead of directly reading tables. The tables in top-level spec should be left as * or can be a subset of these tables.
  • concurrency (integer) (optional) (default: 100)
    Number of tables to sync concurrently. Lower or increase this number based on your database size and available resources.

Queries Spec (Preview)

Allows running arbitrary queries instead of fetching existing tables. Each query will be run as a separate table.
  • name (string) (required)
    Name of the table to be generated from the query.
  • query (string) (required)
    SQL query to run.
The below config duplicates the ALL_TABLES meta table to the destination, as all_oracle_tables table:
kind: source
  name: oracledb
  path: cloudquery/oracledb
  registry: cloudquery
  version: "v4.2.12"
  tables: ["*"] # We want all tables specified in queries to be synced
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    # Connection string to connect to the database in the format oracle://user:password@server:port/service_name.
    # To use the default 1521 port, you can omit it from the connection string, but still need to keep the :, for example oracle://user:password@server:/service_name.
    connection_string: "${ORACLE_DB_CONNECTION_STRING}"
      - name: all_oracle_tables
        query: SELECT * FROM ALL_TABLES

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