
Fixing AWS SSO if you accidentally deleted SSO identity provider

Yevgeny Pats

Yevgeny Pats

In this short tutorial we will go through what to do if you accidentally deleted the AWSSSO_asd123456678_DO_NO_DELETE identity provider from an org account which is used by AWS SSO (take a look at our previous blog setting up AWS SSO with Google Workspace).
Deleting the AWSSSO_1233424_DO_NOT_DELETE identity provider will prevent you from accessing the account via the AWS SSO screen.

Regaining Access #

  1. If you deleted the identity provider in your root account where your AWS SSO is managed you will need to login with the root account.
  2. Once you are in the AWS SSO dashboard click AWS accounts
  1. Click on the account that you’ve deleted access to.
  1. Remove access to all existing users and groups by clicking on them and then clicking on the “remove access” button.
  2. Add all users back by clicking on the "assign users or groups" button
  3. Voilà! now you should be back in business.
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