
Announcing CloudQuery Hub

Ron Eliahu

Ron Eliahu

Today, we're excited to announce the availability of CloudQuery Hub.
In the 6 month since CloudQuery release, we saw amazing growth and adoption from the community, with our open-source project reaching 1.6K stars. This validates the need for a standard and open-source way to query, monitor and analyze cloud infrastructure for visibility, security, compliance and cost challenges to help put the order back in place.
Two months ago we released CloudQuery SDK to enable developers easily extend CloudQuery with their own maintained providers. As a natural next step we are releasing CloudQuery Hub.

What is CloudQuery Hub? #

CloudQuery Hub provides Documentation, collaboration and workflow for developers, SREs and users. A few key features that we rolled-out with our first version includes:
  • Automated table documentation generation using CloudQuery SDK.
  • Git-backed version control documentation exposed and browsable via CloudQuery Hub for each version.
  • Automated documentation build service - Each registered provider (both official and community) has their documentation updated on each release automatically.
  • Easily search for tables in each provider, so you will be able build the queries you need efficiently.

What the future looks like? #

This is just the initial release of CloudQuery hub, and we are working on some more exciting features, so subscribe to our newsletter, twitter and stay tuned!
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